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Simultaneous Growth & Transformation

“How do you drive sustainable growth? You have to think about innovation in three buckets: First you improve the game, or push it by operating better, but second, you can change the game, change the business, by figuring out new ways to leave the competition in the dust. And third, you can create a new game.” Scott Cook, Founder Intuit - excerpt from: Lead from the Future, Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz

In this one statement, everything is covered. When broken down, and slightly wordsmithed, it becomes 3 organizing principles to build resilience from. Here’s how we’ve applied it:

  1. “Improve the Game” becomes “Optimize Core”:

    1. Drive culture through meaningful experiences that deepen human engagement

    2. Initiate learning & development strategies that upskill both technical and leadership capabilities 

    3. Decentralize processes enabling empowerment and agility

    4. Implement a seamless technology-experience that drives greater productivity

  2. “Change the Game” becomes “Adjacent to Core Growth”:

    1. Foster exploratory conversations with clients that incorporate meaningful questions

    2. Drive client-relationships further upstream by delving into their foundational business strategy 

    3. Identify fundamental business problems you can help solve

    4. Form relevant alliances that extend capabilities

  3. “Create a New Game” becomes “Business Model Transformation”:

    1. Ignite a culture of curiosity that is committed to scanning for unique trends and insights

    2. Be creative within your analysis to paint a truly transformational picture of the future

    3. Be bold and place strategic bets on the opportunities you foresee as your transformed future

    4. Work backwards from this vision, identify gaps, roadmap your journey towards it, and transform your business model

Words are easy; actions are incredibly hard.

We believe it's more nuanced and we'll be sharing our POV shortly. Still jamming on it.

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